Ina Tiernan Bailey

welcome to an

incredible universe of stories.  2021.png

start with the podcast


The podcast is a collection of short, sharp and artsy poetry just as much as dark, sultry and long fiction.

Season One is a kaleidoscope of unique emotional pieces, but the Universe begins with Season Two as it introduces Adora: a character that haunts the entirety of the stories or “speaks” herself.

Season Three is the latest ongoing collection featuring her older sister, Ada. Find your directory. 


the latest: Stories to film

Hold Me, Softly

Sometimes there are such poignant pieces inside a season of the podcast that it warrants the creation of further adaptation. HMS is a variant of the season two multi-part story “And Look Before You Love.”

A handsome neighbor moves in across the street. He’s supposed to stay a daydream from a safe and comfortable distance…but neither of them want that.

Follow its progress to debut on its Instagram page.


There’s still more to explore and more to come.


Stories to music: ”Subsequent apocalypse

stories to film: “whisper wind, whisper

‘No,’ she whispers into her glass at the neon bar. I can’t have dinner with you because I can’t bare to see you don’t look at me with that spark in your eye like you know you’ve somehow struck gold.
— "I can't have dinner with you"